N. N.

  • group: Reaction mechanisms and catalyst design
  • Institut fuer Katalyseforschung und -technologie (IKFT)
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Personal details

Philipp Pleßow studied chemistry at the KIT and graduated in 2010 with a diploma in chemistry. He obtained his PhD in 2014 with Prof. Dr. Hofmann at Heidelberg University with a thesis on homogeneously catalyzed reactions in cooperation with BASF and CaRLa. After postdoctoral studies at SUNCAT (Stanford University) with Dr. Abild-Pedersen and Prof. Dr. Nørskov, he moved to IKFT where he is now a group leader since 2016. His main research areas are the theoretical investigation of zeolite-catalyzed reactions and catalyst deactivation through sintering.


2020-2021: Excercise ‘Einführung in die Physikalische Chemie: Mathematische Methoden' (PC0)
Since 2019: Lecture ‘Quantum Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces’ together with apl. Prof.  Dr. Fink
Since 2017: Lecture ‘Theorie und molekulare Simulation in der Katalyse’ together with Prof. Dr. Studt


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