Best Oral Presentation Award at 13th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS13)



Cherie Hsu won one the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 13th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS13) in Xiamen, China with more than 800 delegates. Congratulations! The symposium (21-24 April 2024) with the theme "Towards Carbon Neutrality" shared insights on science, materials and technology related to natural gas, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Advanced catalyst preparation, characterisation, modelling and industrial application of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are historically closely linked to this symposium.

Cherie Hsu presented a collaborative work of the IKFT groups in the CARE-O-SENE project with the title "Preparation of model catalyst systems to optimise sustainable aviation fuel production via Fischer-Tropsch". In her research, she is synthesizing nanoparticles and model catalysts to facilitate fundamental understanding of the individual role of the components of next-generation cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.