
Zaghini Francesconi, V.; Drexler, M.; Zevaco, T. A.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2025). Modified Oxymethylene Ethers Based on Technical Alcohol Mixtures and their Fuel Properties. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. doi:10.1002/cite.202400159
Chowdhury, A. G.; Arnold, U.; Garbev, K.; Bender, M.; Sauer, J. (2024). Direct dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde over ZnO–SiO -based catalysts. Catalysis Science and Technology, 14 (17), 4958–4967. doi:10.1039/D4CY00541D
Münzer, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2024). Process Design for the Directly Coupled Production of Methanol and Formaldehyde Based on CO. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (6), 819–825. doi:10.1002/cite.202300183
Virt, M.; Zaghini Francesconi, V.; Drexler, M.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J.; Zöldy, M. (2024). An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Predict Physical Properties of Liquid Hydrocarbons. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 68 (4), 561 – 570. doi:10.3311/PPch.38160
Arnold, U.; Ghosh Chowdhury, A.; Drexler, M.; Eichner, F.; Zaghini Francesconi, V.; Fuchs, C.; Münzer, P.; Niethammer, B.; Sheikh, K.; Sauer, J. (2023). Methanol als Schlüsselelement für die Herstellung von Kraftstoffen Teil 2. gwf Gas + Energie, 164 (02-03), 58–67.
Arnold, U.; Ghosh Chowdhury, A.; Drexler, M.; Eichner, F.; Zaghini Francesconi, V.; Fuchs, C.; Münzer, P.; Niethammer, B.; Sheikh, K.; Sauer, J. (2023). Methanol als Schlüsselelement für die Herstellung von Kraftstoffen Teil 1. gwf Gas + Energie, 164 (01), 71–77.
Fuchs, C.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2023). (Co‐)Oligomerization of Olefins to Hydrocarbon Fuels: Influence of Feed Composition and Pressure. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 95 (5), 651–657. doi:10.1002/cite.202200209
Michler, T.; Wippermann, N.; Toedter, O.; Niethammer, B.; Otto, T.; Arnold, U.; Pitter, S.; Koch, T.; Sauer, J. (2023). Corrigendum to “Gasoline from the bioliq® process: Production, characterization and performance” [Fuel Processing Technology 206 (2020) 106476]. Fuel Processing Technology, 240, Art.Nr. 107577. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2022.107577
Niethammer, B.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2023). Suppressing the aromatic cycle of the dimethyl ether to hydrocarbons reaction on zeolites. Applied Catalysis A: General, 651, Art.-Nr.: 119021. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2023.119021
Arnold, U.; Drexler, M.; Fuchs, C.; Niethammer, B.; Sauer, J. (2023). Production of fuels from renewables via methanol. CogMob 2023, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Mobility, Budapest, Hungary, October 19-20, 2023, Proceedings, 125–129, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Ioannidou, G.; Drexler, M.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J.; Lemonidou, A. (2023). A sustainable catalytic process for the production of butadiene from waste biomass intermediates. KIT Science Week: Transforming towards a sustainable society – challenges and solutions, Karlsruhe.
Betz, M.; Fuchs, C.; Zevaco, T. A.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2022). Production of hydrocarbon fuels by heterogeneously catalyzed oligomerization of ethylene: Tuning of the product distribution. Biomass and Bioenergy, 166, Art.-Nr.: 106595. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106595
Drexler, M.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2022). Continuous Synthesis of Oxymethylene Ether Fuels from Dimethyl Ether in a Heterogeneously Catalyzed Liquid Phase Process. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 94 (3), 256–266. doi:10.1002/cite.202100173
Drexler, M.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J.; Karakoulia, S. A.; Triantafyllidis, K. S. (2022). Progress in the anhydrous production of oxymethylene ethers (OME) as a renewable diesel fuel in a liquid phase process. Catalysis Today, 424, Art.-Nr.: 113847. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2022.07.015
Grafmüller, J.; Böhm, A.; Zhuang, Y.; Spahr, S.; Müller, P.; Otto, T. N.; Bucheli, T. D.; Leifeld, J.; Giger, R.; Tobler, M.; Schmidt, H.-P.; Dahmen, N.; Hagemann, N. (2022). Wood Ash as an Additive in Biomass Pyrolysis: Effects on Biochar Yield, Properties, and Agricultural Performance. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10 (8), Artk.Nr.: 2720–2729. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c07694
Mantei, F.; Ali, R. E.; Baensch, C.; Voelker, S.; Haltenort, P.; Burger, J.; Dietrich, R.-U.; Assen, N. von der; Schaadt, A.; Sauer, J.; Salem, O. (2022). Techno-economic assessment and carbon footprint of processes for the large-scale production of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Sustainable energy & fuels, 6 (3), 528–549. doi:10.1039/D1SE01270C
Virt, M.; Arnold, U. (2022). Effects of Oxymethylene Ether in a Commercial Diesel Engine. Cognitive Sustainability, 1 (3). doi:10.55343/cogsust.20
Fuchs, C.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2022). Synthesis of sustainable, free of aromatics fuels by heterogeneously catalyzed oligomerization of renewable C-C olefins. Proceedings of Abstracts 13th International Conference on Air Quality: Science and Application. Ed.: R. Sokhi, 157, University of Hertfordshire.
Ghosh Chowdhury, A.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2022). Synthesis of stable zinc oxide based catalysts for carrying out direct dehydrogenation of methanol to obtain (a) anhydrous formaldehyde and (b) highly selective hydrogen as by-product. Proceedings of the DGMK-Conference “The Role of Catalysis for the Energy Transition“, Ludwigshafen, October 5 -7 2022, 186–198, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Energieträger, Mobilität und Kohlenstoffkreisläufe (DGMK).
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Drexler, M.; Haltenort, P.; Zevaco, T. A.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2021). Synthesis of tailored oxymethylene ether (OME) fuels via transacetalization reactions. Sustainable energy & fuels, 5 (17), 4311–4326. doi:10.1039/d1se00631b
Arnold, U.; Haltenort, P.; Drexler, M.; Sauer, J. (2021). Recent developments in the field of oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) as diesel fuels. 13th International Colloquium Fuels - Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles : conference proceesings 2021 ; [Ostfildern, 15.-16.09.2021]. Ed.: Nikolai Schubert, 75–81, expert-Verlag.
Drexler, M.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J.; Triantafyllidis. K. S. (2021). Progress in the anhydrous production of oxymethylene ether (OME) as a renewable diesel fuel in a liquid phase process. 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 26 - 29 September, 2021, Virtual Conference, Conference Proceedings, 60–61.
Fuchs, C.; Betz, M.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2021). Production of sustainable fuels by heterogeneously catalyzed oligomerization of C2-C4 olefins. 13th International Colloquium Fuels - Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles : conference proceesings 2021 ; [Ostfildern, 15.-16.09.2021]. Ed.: Nikolai Schubert, 83–91, expert-Verlag.
Haltenort, P.; Lösch, O.; Schäfer, B.; Sauer, J. (2020). Energieeffizienz in der Prozessindustrie – Technologieoptionen des Forschungsnetzwerks Energie in Industrie und Gewerbe. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 92 (9), 1268. doi:10.1002/cite.202055180
Michler, T.; Wippermann, N.; Toedter, O.; Niethammer, B.; Otto, T.; Arnold, U.; Pitter, S.; Koch, T.; Sauer, J. (2020). Gasoline from the bioliq® process: Production, characterization and performance. Fuel processing technology, 206, Article no: 106476. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2020.106476
Neves, R. C.; Klein, B. C.; Silva, R. J. da; Rezende, M. C. A. F.; Funke, A.; Olivarez-Gómez, E.; Bonomi, A.; Maciel-Filho, R. (2020). A vision on biomass-to-liquids (BTL) thermochemical routes in integrated sugarcane biorefineries for biojet fuel production. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 119, Art.-Nr. 109607. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109607
Polierer, S.; Guse, D.; Wild, S.; Herrera Delgado, K.; Otto, T. N.; Zevaco, T. A.; Kind, M.; Sauer, J.; Studt, F.; Pitter, S. (2020). Enhanced Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from CO-Rich Syngas with Cu/ZnO/ZrO Catalysts Prepared by Continuous Co-Precipitation. Catalysts, 10 (8), Article: 816. doi:10.3390/catal10080816
Wodarz, S.; Slaby, N. A.; Zimmermann, M. C.; Otto, T. N.; Holzinger, J.; Skibsted, J.; Zevaco, T. A.; Pitter, S.; Sauer, J. (2020). Shaped Hierarchical H-ZSM-5 Catalysts for the Conversion of Dimethyl Ether to Gasoline. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 59 (40), 17689–17707. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.9b06256
Arnold, U.; Drexler, M.; Haltenort, P.; Sauer, J. (2020). Catalytic (trans)acetalization reactions for the production of oxymethylene ether (OME) fuels. Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion : 8th International Conference, June 23 to 25, 2020, Online ; Book of Abstracts ; #fuelscience2020, 53–55, The Fuel Science Center (FSC).
Drexler, M.; Arnold, U.; Haltenort, P.; Sauer, J. (2020). Oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) as diesel fuels: State of the art and perspectives. DGMK-Conference The Future of Chemicals and Fuels – Feedstocks and Process Technologies, October 7-9, 2020, Web Conference, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK).
Drexler, M.; Arnold, U.; Haltenort, P.; Sauer, J. (2020). Production of oxymethylene ether as renewable liquid fuel in an anhydrous process. 3rd Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy : Leipzig, September 17-18, 2020, Web Conference, Book of Abstracts, 126–127, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ).
Arnold, U.; Haltenort, P.; Herrera Delgado, K.; Niethammer, B.; Sauer, J. (2019). Die Rolle von Dimethylether (DME) als Schlüsselbaustein synthetischer Kraftstoffe aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen. Zukünftige Kraftstoffe : Energiewende des Transports als ein weltweites Klimaziel. Hrsg.: W. Maus, 532–561, Vieweg Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-58006-6_22
Haltenort, P.; Lautenschütz, L.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2019). (Trans)acetalization Reactions for the Synthesis of Oligomeric Oxymethylene Dialkyl Ethers Catalyzed by Zeolite BEA25. Topics in catalysis, 62 (5-6), 551–559. doi:10.1007/s11244-019-01188-9
Zimmermann, M. C.; Otto, T. N.; Wodarz, S.; Zevaco, T. A.; Pitter, S. (2019). Mesoporous H‐ZSM‐5 for the Conversion of Dimethyl Ether to Hydrocarbons. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 91 (9), 1302–1313. doi:10.1002/cite.201800217
Arnold, U.; Betz, M.; Hackbarth, K.; Haltenort, P.; Klein, G.; Niethammer, B.; Sauer, J. (2019). From renewable resources to fuels - the role of alcohols. Fuels : conventional and future energy for automobiles. Hrsg. N. Schubert, 167–177, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE).
Dahmen, N.; Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Otto, T.; Pfitzer, C.; Weih, N.; Willy, M.; Leibold, H.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D. (2019). Bioliq®-pilot plant for the preparation of synthetic fuels-operating experience. 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2019; Lisbon; Portugal; 27 May 2019 through 30 May 2019. Ed.: N. Scarlat, 565–569, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies.
Niethammer, B.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2019). Modified catalysts for a low-aromatic Dimethyl ether-To-Gasoline process. Bridging Science with Technology : A Renaissance in Chemical Engineering., 1068–1069, AIDIC Servizi.
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Otto, T.; Pfitzer, C.; Weih, N.; Willy, M.; Leibold, H.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D. (2019). bioliq®-Pilotanlage zur Herstellung synthetischer Kraftstoffe - Betriebserfahrungen [Proceedingsbeitrag]. DGMK-Fachbereichstagung: Thermochemische Konversion – Schlüsselbaustein für zukünftige Energie- und Rohstoffsysteme, Dresden, 23.-24. Mai 2019.
Dahmen, N.; Sauer, J.; Wodarz, S. (2018). Product and process cost assessment. Bioeconomy - Shaping the transition to a sustainable, biobased economy. Ed.: I. Lewandowski, 214–228, Springer International Publishing.
Arnold, S.; Moss, K.; Dahmen, N.; Henkel, M.; Hausmann, R. (2018). Pretreatment strategies for microbial valorization of bio-oil fractions produced by fast pyrolysis of ash-rich lignocellulosic biomass. Global change biology / Bioenergy, 11 (SI, 1), 181–190. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12544
Betz, M.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Synthese von aromatenfreiem Benzin aus Ethanol. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (9), 1169. doi:10.1002/cite.201855080
Hackbarth, K.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Recent Progress in the Production, Application and Evaluation of Oxymethylene Ethers. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (10), 1520–1528. doi:10.1002/cite.201800068
Haltenort, P.; Hackbarth, K.; Oestreich, D.; Lautenschütz, L.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Heterogeneously catalyzed synthesis of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OME) from dimethyl ether and trioxane. Catalysis communications, 109, 80–84. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2018.02.013
Langhorst, T.; Toedter, O.; Koch, T.; Niethammer, B.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Investigations on Spark and Corona Ignition of Oxymethylene Ether-1 and Dimethyl Carbonate Blends with Gasoline by High-Speed Evaluation of OH* Chemiluminescence. SAE International journal of fuels and lubricants, 11 (1), 5–20. doi:10.4271/04-11-01-0001
Niethammer, B.; Wodarz, S.; Betz, M.; Haltenort, P.; Oestreich, D.; Hackbarth, K.; Arnold, U.; Otto, T.; Sauer, J. (2018). Alternative Liquid Fuels from Renewable Resources. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (1-2), 99–112. doi:10.1002/cite.201700117
Oyedun, A. O.; Kumar, A.; Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). The development of the production cost of oxymethylene ethers as diesel additives from biomass. Biofuels, bioproducts and biorefining, 12 (4), 694–710. doi:10.1002/bbb.1887
Schmitt, C. C.; Raffelt, K.; Zimina, A.; Krause, B.; Otto, T.; Rapp, M.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Dahmen, N. (2018). Hydrotreatment of Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil Fractions Over Nickel-Based Catalyst. Topics in catalysis, 61 (15-17), 1769–1782. doi:10.1007/s11244-018-1009-z
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Haltenort, P.; Hackbarth, K.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Aspekte und Beurteilung der sicheren verbrennungsmotorischen Anwendung von Oxymethylenethern (OME). Krafstoffe für die Mobilität von morgen. Hrsg. J. Krahl, 149–150, Cuvillier Verlag.
Oestreich, D.; Haltenort, P.; Hackbarth, K.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2018). Synthese von Oxymethylenether (OME). Ideen und Innovationen für die Energie von morgen : Wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zu den Jahrestagungen 2014, 2016 und 2017 des KIT-Zentrums Energie. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 107–113, KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/IR/1000085345
Deutsch, D.; Oestreich, D.; Lautenschütz, L.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). High Purity Oligomeric Oxymethylene Ethers as Diesel Fuels. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (4), 486–489. doi:10.1002/cite.201600158
Goncalves, T. J.; Arnold, U.; Plessow, P. N.; Studt, F. (2017). Theoretical Investigation of the Acid Catalyzed Formation of Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers from Trioxane and Dimethoxymethane. ACS catalysis, 7 (5), 3615–3621. doi:10.1021/acscatal.7b00701
Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Dinjus, E.; Sauer, J. (2017). Efficient synthesis of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OME) from dimethoxymethane and trioxane over zeolites. Fuel processing technology, 165, 27–33. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2017.05.005
Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Seidenspinner, P.; Arnold, U.; Dinjus, E.; Sauer, J. (2017). Corrigendum to "Physico-chemical properties and fuel characteristics of oxymethylene dialkyl ethers" [Fuel 173 (2016) 129-137]. Fuel, 209, 812. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.07.083
Mahbub, N.; Oyedun, A. O.; Kumar, A.; Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). A life cycle assessment of oxymethylene ether synthesis from biomass-derived syngas as a diesel additive. Journal of cleaner production, 165, 1249–1262. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.178
Oestreich, D.; Lautenschütz, L.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Reaction kinetics and equilibrium parameters for the production of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OME) from methanol and formaldehyde. Chemical engineering science, 163, 92–104. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.12.037
Rodriguez Correa, C.; Otto, T.; Kruse, A. (2017). Influence of the biomass components on the pore formation of activated carbon. Biomass and bioenergy, 97, 53–64. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.12.017
Arnold, U.; Lautenschütz, L.; Haltenort, P.; Niethammer, B.; Oestreich, D.; Sauer, J. (2017). Alternative Diesel Fuels : Feedstocks, Production and Potentials. Fuels : Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles : Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium, Ostfildern, Germany, 27th - 29th June 2017. Ed.: N. Schubert, 333–337, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE).
Haltenort, P.; Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Hackbarth, K.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Optimized Synthesis of Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (OMEs) from Dimethoxymethane and Trioxane. From Production to Propulsion : TMFB 5th International Conference 2017, Book of Abstracts, Eurogress, Aachen, Germany, 20th - 22nd June 2017, 69–71.
Haltenort, P.; Oestreich, D.; Lautenschütz, L.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Production of Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (OMEs) : Process Development by Reactive System Studies. Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2017, Tagungszentrum Festung Marienberg, Würzburg, Deutschland, 22. - 24. Mai 2017, 56–57.
Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Catalytic Processes for the Production of Oxymethylene Ethers (OMEs). North American Catalysis Society Meeting 2017 (NAM25), Denver, Colorado, 4th - 9th June 2017, S. 139.
Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Synthesis of oxymethylene ethers (OME) : An innovative and environmental friendly diesel fuel. 50. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Book of Abstracts, Weimar, Deutschland, 15. - 17. März 2017, 67–68.
Oestreich, D.; Hackbarth, K.; Haltenort, P.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Fuels from Renewable Raw Materials : OME Synthesis and Properties. Preprints of the DGMK-Conference "Petrochemistry and Refining in a Changing Raw Materials Landscape", Dresden, Germany, 9th - 11th October 2017. Ed.: S. Ernst, 47–52, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK).
Oyedun, A. O.; Kumar, A.; Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2017). Production of Oxymethylene Ether (OME) from Different Lignocellulosic Biomass : A Comparative Techno-economic Assessment. From Production to Propulsion : TMFB 5th International Conference 2017, Eurogress, Aachen, Germany, 20th - 22nd June 2017, 91–94.
Wodarz, S.; Otto, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Sauer, J. (2017). Synthesis of gasoline-range hydrocarbons from dimethyl ether with hierarchical zeolite catalysts. Fuels - Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles : 11th Colloquium, Stuttgart, 27.-29.Juni 2017. Proceedings, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE).
Ahmad, R.; Arnold, U.; Deutsch, D.; Döring, M.; Sauer, J. (2016). Passivation and reactivation of catalyst systems for the single step synthesis of dimethyl ether from CO-rich synthesis gas. Journal of molecular catalysis / A, 422, 207–215. doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2015.12.029
Burger, J.; Hasse, H.; Härtl, M.; Wachtmeister, G.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2016). Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (OMEs) : Alternative Diesel Fuels for Low-Emission Combustion. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (9), 1259. doi:10.1002/cite.201650368
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Zhang, X.; Oyedun, A. O.; Kumar, A.; Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2016). An optimized process design for oxymethylene ether production from woody-biomass-derived syngas. Biomass and bioenergy, 90, 7–14. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.03.032
Haltenort, P.; Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Arnold, U.; Sauer, J. (2016). Synthesis of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEs): soot reducing diesel additives from renewable resources. Kraftstoffe für die Mobilität von morgen : 2. Tagung der Fuels Joint Research Group, Bad Staffelstein, 1.-2.Juni 2016. Hrsg.: J. Krahl, 95–96, Cuvillier Verlag.
Sauer, J.; Arnold, U.; Dahmen, N. (2016). Processes for Advanced Fuel Production from Biomass. Energie : Forschung und Perspektiven. Vorträge auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Regensburg 2016. Hrsg.: H. Bruhns, 83–94, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG).
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Arnold, U.; Altesleben, C.; Behrens, S.; Essig, S.; Lautenschütz, L.; Schild, D.; Sauer, J. (2015). Ionic liquid-initiated polymerization of epoxides: A useful strategy for the preparation of Pd-doped polyether catalysts. Catalysis today, 246, 116–124. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.08.026
Boscagli, C.; Raffelt, K.; Zevaco, T. A.; Olbrich, W.; Otto, T. N.; Sauer, J.; Grunwaldt, J.-D. (2015). Mild hydrotreatment of the light fraction of fast-pyrolysis oil produced from straw over nickel-based catalysts. Biomass and bioenergy, 83, 525–538. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.11.003
Dahmen, N.; Arnold, U.; Djordjevic, N.; Henrich, T.; Kolb, T.; Leibold, H.; Sauer, J. (2015). High pressure in synthetic fuels production. The journal of supercritical fluids, 96, 124–132. doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2014.09.031
Schröder, J.; Arnold, U.; Abeln, J.; Sauer, J.; Döring, M. (2015). Conversion of Carbon Monoxide-Rich Synthesis Gas to Hydrocarbons and Alcohols over Cu/Co/ZnO/SiO₂ Catalysts. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 87 (12), 1760–1770. doi:10.1002/cite.201400194
Zimmermann, M.; Otto, T. N.; Powietzka, B.; Neumann-Walter, D. (2015). Umsetzung von Dimethylether zu Kraftstoffen mit hierachischen Zeolithkatalysatoren. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 12, 1748–1759. doi:10.1002/cite.201500042
Arnold, U.; Lautenschütz, L.; Oestreich, D.; Sauer, J. (2015). Production of Oxygenate Fuels from Biomass-Derived Synthesis Gas. Preprints of the DGMK-Conference : Synthesis Gas Chemistry. Dresden, October 7-9, 2015. Ed.: S. Ernst, 127–136, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK).
Sauer, J.; Arnold, U.; Dahmen, N.; Henrich, E. (2015). Synthetic Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass, Recent Activities in Europe and Germany. Fuels : Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles. 10th International Colloquium, Ostfildern, January 20-22, 2015. Ed.: W.J. Bartz, 419–442, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE).
Ahmad, R.; Hellinger, M.; Buchholz, M.; Sezen, H.; Gharnati, L.; Wöll, C.; Sauer, J.; Döring, M.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Arnold, U. (2014). Flame-made Cu/ZnO/Al₂O₃ catalyst for dimethyl ether production. Catalysis communications, 43, 52–56. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2013.08.020
Ahmad, R.; Schrempp, D.; Behrens, S.; Sauer, J.; Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2014). Zeolite-based bifuntional catalysts for the single step synthesis of dimethyl ether from CO-rich synthesis gas. Fuel processing technology, 121, 38–46. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2014.01.006
Boeltken, T.; Soysal, D.; Lee, S.; Straczewski, G.; Gerhards, U.; Pfeifer, P.; Arnold, J.; Dittmeyer, R. (2014). Perspectives of suspension plasma spraying of palladium nanoparticles for preparation of thin palladium composite membranes. Journal of membrane science, 468, 233–241. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2014.06.003
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Silbernagel-Donath, S.; Wünschel, A.; Arnold, U. (2014). Development of composites from epoxy resins and biopolymers. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16), Sevilla, E, June 22-26, 2014. Ed.: F. Paris, Universidad de Sevilla.
Otto, T. N.; Fuhrer, M.; Ullrich, G.; Powietzka, B.; Neumann-Walter, D. (2013). Erzeugung von Flüssigargon in kleinen Mengen für die Anwendung im Labor. GIT Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium, (2), 108–110.
Piras, E.; Powietzka, B.; Wurst, F.; Neumann-Walter, D.; Grützmacher, H. J.; Otto, T.; Zevaco, T.; Walter, O. (2013). Highly active hydroformylation catalysts: Synthesis, characterisation and catalytic performance. Catalysis Letters, 143, 673–680. doi:10.1007/s10562-013-1010-x
Zimmermann, M.; Otto, T. N.; Dinjus, E. (2013). Converting biogenic dimethyl ether into fuels. Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles : Proc.of the 9th Colloquium Fuels, Stuttgart, January 15-17, 2013. Hrsg.: W. J. Bartz, 293–295, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE).
Zimmermann, M.; Otto, T. N.; Dinjus, E.; Sauer, J. (2013). The role of modified zeolites (H-ZSM-5) in gasoline synthesis via dimethyl ether. 25.Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, Hamburg, 6.-8.März 2013. Book of Abstracts, 140–141.
Otto, T. N.; Habicht, W.; Dinjus, E.; Zimmermann, M. (2012). Catalyst characterization with FESEM/EDX by the example of silver-catalyzed epoxidation of 1,3-butadiene. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Ed.: Viacheslav Kazmiruk, 367–392, InTech. doi:10.5772/37952
Becker, P.; Schröder, J.; Ahmad, R.; Zimmermann, M.; Otto, T.; Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2012). Recent patents on the conversion of biomass to fuels via synthesis gas. Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 5, 75–86.
Dahmen, N.; Dinjus, E.; Kolb, T.; Arnold, U.; Leibold, H.; Stahl, R. (2012). State of the art of the bioliq® process for synthetic biofuels production. Environmental progress & sustainable energy, 31 (2), 176–181. doi:10.1002/ep.10624
Döring, M.; Zang, L.; Arnold, U. (2012). Manufacture of composites based on thermosets and renewables. 15th European Conf. on Composite Materials (ECCM 15), Venezia, I, June 24-28, 2012, Inst. of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS.
Arnold, U. (2011). KIT DME/Gasoline process from biomass. DME Handbook Supplement Tokyo : Japan DME Forum, 2011, 48–50.
Gharnati, L.; Walter, O.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2011). Guanidinium-based phosphotungstates and ionic liquids as catalysts and solvents for the epoxidation of olefins with hydrogen peroxide. European journal of inorganic chemistry, 2011 (17), 2756–2762. doi:10.1002/ejic.201100037
Otto, T. N.; Mas, C.; Ederer, H.; Stiefel, M.; Döring, M.; Dinjus, E. (2011). Modeling of methanol synthesis based on elementary reactions. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 34, 1449–1458. doi:10.1002/ceat.201100232
Otto, T. N.; Mas, C.; Ederer, H.; Stiefel, M.; Döring, M.; Dinjus, E. (2011). Modellierung der Methanolsynthese auf Basis von Elementarreaktionen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 83, 874–883. doi:10.1002/cite.201000199
Arnold, U. (2011). Das bioliq-Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Biokraftstoffen. CO₂-Nutzung die biologische Perspektive : Vom Treibhausgas zum Wertstoff ; BIOCOM Veranstaltung, Berlin, 8.Juni 2011 Tagungsband Berlin : BIOCOM AG, 2011, 68–75.
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2011). Renewables as fillers for epoxy resins. Thermosets 2011 : From Monomers to Components ; Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Conf., Berlin, September 21-23, 2011 Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verl., 2011, 138–140.
Arnold, U.; Stiefel, M.; Ahmad, R.; Lam, H.; Döring, M. (2011). Synthesis of DME and gasoline from biomass-derived synthesis gas. 7th Asian DME-Conf., Niigata, J, November 16-18, 2011 Proc. Tokyo : Japan DME Forum, 2011, 240–251.
Arnold, U.; Stiefel, M.; Döring, M. (2011). Fuel production from biomass-derived synthesis gas. 1st Internat.Symp.on Chemistry of Energy Conversion and Storage, Berlin, Februar 27 - March 2, 2011 Proc.S.41.
Zang, L.; Gharnati, L.; Arnold, U.; Schmidt, A.; Döring, M. (2011). Guanidium salts as efficient accelerators for amine and anhydride curing of epoxy resins. Thermosets 2011 : From Monomers to Components ; Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Conf., Berlin, September 21-23, 2011 Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verl., 2011, 236–239.
Wolff-Fabris, F.; Altstädt, V.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2010). Electron beam curing of composites. München : Hanser, 2010.
Otto, T. N.; Dinjus, E.; Puls, A.; Hagen, V. (2010). Katalysatorcharakterisierung mit O₂-TPD, N₂- und Kr-Gassorption sowie REM am Beispiel der Epoxidierung von 1,3-Butadien. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82, 2215–2221.
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2010). Metal complex-assisted polymerization of thermosetting resins: a convenient one-step procedure for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts. Gaigneaux, E.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 10th Internat.Symp.on Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts (PREPA10), Louvain-La-Neuve, B, July 11-15, 2010 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2010 (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis ; 175), 229–32.
Becker, P.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2010). Selective synthesis of light olefins from dimethylether. 22.Deutsche Zeolith Tagung (DZT), München, 3.-5.März 2010 Tagungsbd., 152–53.
Schröder, J.; Abeln, J.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2010). Katalytische Prozesse zur Synthese von Ethanol und höheren Alkoholen aus CO-reichem Synthesegas. 43.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 10.-12.März 2010 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2010, 337–38.
Stiefel, M.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2010). Untersuchungen zur DME-Direktsynthese. 43.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 10.-12.März 2010 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2010, 287–88.
Dinjus, E.; Arnold, U.; Dahmen, N.; Höfer, R.; Wach, W. (2009). Green fuels - sustainable solutions for transportation. Höfer, R. [Hrsg.] Sustainable Solutions for Modern Economics Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2009 (RSC Green Chemistry Series ; 4), 125–63.
Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2009). Polymerization of epoxy resins initiated by metal complexes. Polymer International, 58, 976–88. doi:10.1002/pi.2618
Gharnati, L.; Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2009). Catalytic oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids. Current Organic Synthesis, 6, 342–61. doi:10.2174/157017909789108693
Otto, T.; Pfeifer, P.; Pitter, S.; Powietzka, B. (2009). Organische Synthese im Mikroreaktor. Heterogen katalysierte Epoxidierung von 1,3-Butadien. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81, 349–56. doi:10.1002/cite.200800151
Otto, T. N.; Mas, C.; Ederer, H.; Powietzka, B.; Dinjus, E. (2009). Modellrechnungen für die heterogen katalysierte Epoxidierung von 1,3-Butadien zu 3,4-Epoxy-1-buten im Labor-Rohrreaktor. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81, 449–57. doi:10.1002/cite.200800190
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2009). Cationic polymerization of epoxy resins initiated by silver complexes. Thermosets 2009 : From Monomers to Components ; Proc.of the 1st Internat.Conf., Berlin, September 30 - October 2, 2009 Dresden : DPP Goldenbogen, 2009 (Micromaterials and Nanomaterials ; 11), 70–72.
Becker, P.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2009). Development of catalysts for the selective synthesis of light olefins from dimethylether. Production and Use of Light Olefines : Beiträge zur DGMK-Konf., Dresden, 28.- 30.September 2009 Hamburg : DGMK, 2009 (DGMK-Tagungsbericht ; 2009-2), 127–33.
Becker, P.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2009). Development of catalysts for the selective synthesis of light olefins from dimethylether. 21.Deutsche Zeolith Tagung (DZT), Kiel, 4.-6.März 2009 Tagungsbd., 145–46.
Döring, M.; Arnold, U.; Schmidt, A. (2009). Fast composite production with reactive epoxy resins. SAMPE Fall Technical Conf. : Global Material Technology Soaring to New Horizons, Wichita, Kan., October 19-22, 2009.
Henningsen, M.; Döring, M.; Schmidt, A.; Arnold, U. (2009). Manufacture of epoxy resin-based high-performance materials by microwave processing. Feher, L. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 12th Internat.Conf.on Microwave and High Frequency Heating (AMPERE 2009), Karlsruhe, September 7-10, 2009 CD-ROM Karlsruhe : Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, 2009, 135–38.
Henningsen, M.; Döring, M.; Schmidt, A.; Arnold, U.; Feher, L.; Kröger, M. (2009). Tuning the Receiver: Curing of Epoxy Composites With Microwaves. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating (AMPERE 2009), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, 7 - 10 September 2009. Ed.: L. Feher, 13–16, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZKA).
Otto, T. N.; Wang, L. J.; Neumann-Walter, D.; Dinjus, E. (2009). Catalytic process development for the production of gasoline from dimethylether. Production and Use of Light Olefines : Preprints der DGMK-Konf., Dresden, 28.-30.September 2009 Hamburg : DGMK, 2009 S. ?? - ?? (DGMK-Tagungsbericht ; 2009-2).
Arnold, U. (2008). Metal species supported on organic polymers as catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes. Oyama, S.T. [Hrsg.] Mechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2008, 387–411.
Artner, J.; Bautz, H.; Fan, F.; Habicht, W.; Walter, O.; Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2008). Metal-doped epoxy resins: Easily accessible, durable, and highly versatile catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 255, 180–89. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2008.02.003
Barriau, E.; Schmidt-Freytag, U.; Roth, M.; Gehring, J.; Simon, N.; Wolff-Fabris, F.; Altstaedt, V.; Döring, M.; Arnold, U. (2008). Silver Olefin Complexes: Highly Efficient Initiators for the Electron Beam Curing of Epoxy Resins. Macromolecules, 41 (11), 3779–3781. doi:10.1021/ma800309r
Arnold, U.; Fan, F.; Döring, M. (2008). Mehrfunktionale Katalysatoren auf Basis metalldotierter Epoxidharze. 41.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 27.-29.Februar 2008 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2008, 354–55.
Arnold, U.; Fan, F.; Habicht, W.; Döring, M. (2007). Molybdenum-doped epoxy resins as catalysis for the epoxidation of alkenes. Journal of Catalysis, 245, 55–64. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2006.09.017
Arnold, U.; Fan, F.; Döring, M. (2007). Anorganisch-organische Hybridkatalysatoren auf Basis metalldotierter Epoxidharze. 40.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 14.-16.März 2007 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2007, 228–29.
Gharnati, L.; Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2007). Homogen katalysierte Epoxidierung von Alkenen mit Wasserstoffperoxid in Guanidiniumsalzen. 40.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 14.-16.März 2007 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2007, 132–33.
Arnold, U.; Habicht, W.; Döring, M. (2006). Metal-doped epoxy resins - new catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes with high long-term activities. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 348, 142–50. doi:10.1002/adsc.200505164
Arnold, U.; Walter, O.; Döring, M. (2006). Zinc coordination polymers with 1-(3-aminopropyl)-imidazole as bridging bidentate unit. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 359, 327–33. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2005.10.010
Arnold, U.; Fan, F.; Döring, M. (2006). Metalldotierte Epoxidharze - eine neue Klasse leicht zugänglicher langlebiger und vielseitiger Katalysatoren. 39.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 15.-17.März 2006 Tagungsbd. Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2006, 59–60.
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2005). Metalldotierte Hochleistungsduromere. Neue Katalysatoren für die Epoxidierung von Alkenen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, GVC/DECHEMA Jahrestagungen 2005, Wiesbaden, 6.-8.September 2005, (Abstract), 77, 1207.
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2005). Epoxy resins as support for the immobilisation of homogeneous catalysts. 37.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 17.-19.März 2004 Tagungsband Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2004, 38–39.
Arnold, U.; Döring, M. (2005). Cyanate esters - high performance thermosets for the immobilisation of catalytically active species. 38.Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 16.-18.März 2005 Tagungsband Frankfurt : DECHEMA, 2005, 385–86.